Monday, October 5, 2009

Part XI - Shopping Indexes

The web is filled with information for users to find anything, including the best prices on products they want to buy. Users go to shopping indexes, and search for products they want. Users can then compare prices side-by-side and go to the vendor’s site for more information or purchase.

Some shopping indexes provide this service free to both vendors and customers. Google’s shopping index called offers this service for free. Yahoo!’s shopping site requires you to create a store on Yahoo!, which costs money. Amazon allows you to set up a store through them, which also costs money, but could generate more exposure. Integrating with these shopping indexes will increase the number of links to your website, and could generate more leads for customers to your website.

Do a search for shopping websites and see what different sites require. If their needs are more technical than you can handle, find out how much it would cost to have someone take care of the technical side, or teach you how.

Shopping indexes can be a great way to increase the exposure of your site and your products. Be sure to carefully weight the costs and payoffs associated with including your products in shopping indexes.

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